Wednesday, February 20, 2013

19 More Days?

Hard to believe that Ryan and I are closing in on the last two weeks of our two human and two canine life.  We have been enjoying it by becoming completely addicted to Downton Abbey.  Great show!  We are entertained and the dogs are spending quality time with us curled up in the blankets while we are watching.  Either way, it is a little bittersweet to think that Ryan and I will be scheduling our time together for years to come. BUT, it is definitely heavy on the sweet and light on the bitter.  We have been enjoying reminiscing over the fun we have had over the past seven years, and we are excited for the next chapter of our life, as crazy as it will be.

We were up at UW yesterday for a non-stress test.  I sucked down a smoothie from Jamba Juice on the drive up (I crave strawberry banana smoothies every day and I go through GREAT lengths to find good ones), so Gavin was out of the non-stress test in the minimum time.  He gets pretty wild after our smoothie binges!  So they were able to see his heart accelerate numerous times.  It still looks awesome.  We met with our medical team again so I could get educated on the prep for the c-section and I also signed the release forms for surgery.  Ryan, of course, wanted to know if he could look over the curtain to see what is inside me.  Ugh!  Thankfully he was warned that he doesn't want to see that.  Phew.  So, now all we need to do in regards to the c-section is show up at 6AM on 3/11.  Well, apparently I have to shower two times and use some surgical wipes on my stomach, but other than that we just need to show up.

In regards to monitoring the G Man, we have our last ultrasound on this coming Monday. We will also have our weekly non-stress test and a meeting with the medical team the same day.  The Monday after that we will have our last non-tress test and meeting with the medical team...then it will be 3/11.  So we only have two more appointments up in Seattle.  Time is definitely flying by.  We are both getting excited to get him out in the world so that he can get on the road to recovery.

Speaking of road to recovery, baby Hayden was sent home this past Saturday!  It has been so nice to have a mom that has gone through a similar situation to talk to before Gavin is born.  I have a good idea of what to expect thanks to our conversations.  Hayden is definitely a little miracle baby.  Hopefully Gavin has picked up some pointers so we can get him home in record time also.  Spring and the Foothills Trail are calling him!

On another fun note, it turns out that Gavin is going to be having the same birthday as my cousin Joey's daughter, as long as I don't go into labor early. The strange part of this is that Joey and I have the same birthday also.  Sort of eerie!  Gavin will also have the same birthday as his fellow fashionista and play date buddy, Jackson St. John!  It seems as if 3/11/13 is a lucky day to have a baby.  :)

Hope everybody is enjoying the longer days!  We have seen a few trees starting to bloom around Orting.  I feel like it is a great time of the year for a new life to be brought into the world.

Until next time!

Carly, Ryan and Gavin

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